SigmaU Blog

Don’t Delay Your Greatness!

Don’t delay your greatness another day, step into the best of who you could be today.

Easier said then done? Well, let’s see…

What holds us back

What holds us back from living a life of excellence? Perhaps we believe that this is reserved for a select few high achievers? Maybe we’re afraid that we don’t have the time or resources to live an extraordinary life? Perhaps you’ve tried living a structured disciplined life and it exhausted you?

For most, shying away from greatness often results in a desire to stay in our comfort zones.  Sometimes, it’s easier to tow the line of what we know than it is to radically change things up.  There’s safety in the mundane but there isn’t excitement! I don’t know about you, but I’d rather live a life that requires challenge, courage and discipline than a life of expectant boredom.

How do we go about changing things up? 

Paint of picture of the status quo.

What would...

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Be BOLD and reach your dreams!

We need to be bold to reach our dreams.

When I say bold, it will have a different meaning for each of us. For some, being bold is having a difficult conversation. For others, it may mean leaving a job or partner to pursue a dream. Some may consider leaving the country bold, while others may consider speaking up in a meeting to be bold action. Each of us will face circumstances that require us to be bold to reach our goals and live our full potential.

In High Performance Coaching™ we talk about living a fully charged life! Part of that life is living with boldness. We can live in a place where we feel caged, as though we don’t have control and we’re not living anywhere near our potential. Then we can live a comfortable life, where we go through the motions, nothing too daring, nothing too exciting either. I would encourage us to live a fully charged life and that requires being bold!

B – Brazen Action

When I looked up the definition of brazen it was tied to...

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3 Ways to Level Up Intentionally

I accidentally leveled up the other day! Let me explain. I was running on the treadmill and didn’t realize that I had mistakenly pressed the speed button higher than usual. It wasn’t until I looked down that I noticed I had been running at a pace that was new for me and presumably outside of my comfort zone.

I learned from that experience to question my comfort zone. In that moment, I thought to myself “where else am I holding myself back from leveling up”? Clearly, the speed that I had previously gotten comfortable at was a pace slower than I was capable of.

Sometimes we level up when we’re thrown into a situation we’re unprepared for or we press the speed button without realizing it!

Here are some ways that you and I can be intentional about leveling up…

1. Our Associations

The people you surround yourself with matter to your level of success. This could be personally or professionally. It could be physically, your nutrition,...

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3 Signs we’re living below our potential!

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but while I was doing my annual reflection, the first subconscious thought that jolted me while reminiscing on 2022 was… “you lived below your potential”. 

Ouch! That was tough to hear.  I’m doing my best to be open and coachable and listen to the hard truths that are often just what we need to hear.

Don’t get me wrong, there were several positive habits I kept in place from previous years, but I had this nagging feeling that I could have done way more.  This isn’t about perfection or striving for 10 out of 10 and consistently moving the target. This was an honest reflection on what I had done, and I had come up short.

There were some telltale signs that I missed, or let’s face it, ignored so I’m sharing those with you here so you can catch yourself before too much time passes.

  1. Things running too smoothy

You may be thinking “Um Nikki, of course I want life to run...

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