SigmaU Blog

Don’t Delay Your Greatness!

Don’t delay your greatness another day, step into the best of who you could be today.

Easier said then done? Well, let’s see…

What holds us back

What holds us back from living a life of excellence? Perhaps we believe that this is reserved for a select few high achievers? Maybe we’re afraid that we don’t have the time or resources to live an extraordinary life? Perhaps you’ve tried living a structured disciplined life and it exhausted you?

For most, shying away from greatness often results in a desire to stay in our comfort zones.  Sometimes, it’s easier to tow the line of what we know than it is to radically change things up.  There’s safety in the mundane but there isn’t excitement! I don’t know about you, but I’d rather live a life that requires challenge, courage and discipline than a life of expectant boredom.

How do we go about changing things up? 

Paint of picture of the status quo.

What would...

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Use the Summer as a Springboard for Success!

When I first started my career, I was told a lie. I was told that “no one does business in the summer!”. I bought in to that lie and I rested on my laurels during July and August while I thought that everyone was presumably away at their cottages or not interested in doing business.

It wasn’t until my business was barely able to cover payroll one summer that I decided to smarten up and change the narrative. It’s so interesting that when we change our lens on something, how drastically our world opens up!

Summer months are now typically the busiest of the year because we’re proactive with sales and marketing efforts. This got me thinking about personal development and our growth journeys. Are there certain times of the year where you’re fired up about your goals like New Years and then other times, not so much? Perhaps summer is that time for you? If that’s the case, I hope that this serves you and you see things from a new perspective.


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