3 Ways to Level Up Intentionally

I accidentally leveled up the other day! Let me explain. I was running on the treadmill and didn’t realize that I had mistakenly pressed the speed button higher than usual. It wasn’t until I looked down that I noticed I had been running at a pace that was new for me and presumably outside of my comfort zone.

I learned from that experience to question my comfort zone. In that moment, I thought to myself “where else am I holding myself back from leveling up”? Clearly, the speed that I had previously gotten comfortable at was a pace slower than I was capable of.

Sometimes we level up when we’re thrown into a situation we’re unprepared for or we press the speed button without realizing it!

Here are some ways that you and I can be intentional about leveling up…

1. Our Associations

The people you surround yourself with matter to your level of success. This could be personally or professionally. It could be physically, your nutrition, personal development. Energy and habits are contagious and if we want to rise to the next level, we need to seek out new friendships and associations that push us. In my fitness accountability group, there’s another member who is consistently winning the week and reaching fitness strain levels that the rest of us weren’t. I asked for guidance, took his advice and now we’re neck in neck on our strain levels. He keeps me motivated to strive for more because I see what’s consistently possible!

2. Coaching

An awesome coach will push you outside of your comfort zone and impact your performance. You and I can seek coaches who are crushing an area in our life we want mastery in. What is one area of your life you want to be outstanding in? Who do you know that is already achieving in this area? Will you reach out to them today and ask for mentorship or enroll in coaching? Take the next step - a coach will hold your feet to the fire, keep you accountable and help you level up!

3. Raise Necessity

We talk a lot about raising necessity in High Performance Coaching ™ and it means, making success a must rather than a wish. When you think of your goal, why is it absolutely necessary that you reach it? Who is relying on you to be successful? Who would you like to be an even greater role model for? When we set goals that stretch us, leveling up becomes a must to make it happen. Commit to a goal today that will make you inherently better six months from now than you are today.

If you would like to find out more about high performance living, goal setting, mindset and coaching, feel free to message me! [email protected]


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