Use the Summer as a Springboard for Success!

When I first started my career, I was told a lie. I was told that “no one does business in the summer!”. I bought in to that lie and I rested on my laurels during July and August while I thought that everyone was presumably away at their cottages or not interested in doing business.

It wasn’t until my business was barely able to cover payroll one summer that I decided to smarten up and change the narrative. It’s so interesting that when we change our lens on something, how drastically our world opens up!

Summer months are now typically the busiest of the year because we’re proactive with sales and marketing efforts. This got me thinking about personal development and our growth journeys. Are there certain times of the year where you’re fired up about your goals like New Years and then other times, not so much? Perhaps summer is that time for you? If that’s the case, I hope that this serves you and you see things from a new perspective.

Here are ways in which you can use summer to springboard your way to success!

You move the baseline or goal post

When people work with a coach, they start learning new habits and ways of thinking and when they execute on their learnings, they change their lives. This is how you can constantly move the goal post and baseline. This means that, if I started out and rated myself as a 4 out of 10 on developing courage, speaking my truth and standing up for what I believe in and I gave myself that rating six months ago, chances are my perception of courage has changed.  While implementing my learnings, my rating of courage may be an 8 out of 10 but it’s so much more than that because it’s based on the new version of me.  This will be the same for you as well. Think of the summer as a tool to propel yourself forward faster. If you were to rate yourself 4 out of 10 on focus and clarity but dedicated the summer months to self-mastery, thinking time and creative solutions you’ll come out of the summer months with extraordinary levels of focus. This will then set you up for massive success in the last quarter of the year!

You fight restlessness.

You were made for more than the life you are currently living. That’s not a judgement statement, it’s true for me too and for anyone who has breath! The secret to feeling fulfilled and ditching the sense of restlessness is in the continuous pursuit of learning and growing. A huge part of that is learning about oneself, how to improve and how to show up with even more confidence each day. Living below our potential creates anxiety, unrest, and irritability. Think about it! When was the last time you felt completely alive and excited? Chances are you were progressing, learning, and growing. How will you stretch yourself this summer?

You develop consistent greatness

Zig Ziglar famously said “People say that motivation doesn’t work, well neither does bathing!” Touché! We must be consistently feeding our minds with potential, positivity and novelty to develop greatness. In fact, the highest achievers in the world are consistently showing up time and time again, coaching, taking new courses and stretching their thinking.

You feed the need for progress

The most successful people in the world, and the happiest, are progressing. They need to be working towards personal growth and an inspiring goal. We all have this inherent need and when we neglect it, as mentioned, we feel a pit in our stomach. The days weave into weeks which weave into months and years and we call it a life but we’ve missed so much opportunity for joy! We need to know that each year will not be a replay of the previous! We need to know that this time next year we will be different!

So let me ask you this: as we head into the summer months, will you coast or will you rise up and use this precious time to springboard yourself to success and realize another level of happiness?!



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