SigmaU Blog

Quality Matters

  1.  Quality people
  2.  Quality content
  3.  Quality consumption

Quality People

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Who do you have in your immediate circle? Are they inspiring? Do they push you to be a better person? Are the conversations you ‘re having about dreams and goals and the future, or are they about other people? The five people closest to us have a tremendous impact on the way we think and ultimately our success.  If you’re not surrounding yourself with positive, growth-oriented people, then find a community where you can get that inspiration. If you haven’t joined us yet, feel free to hop on our Friday zoom calls here where #sigmapromotespositivity

You know you’re in the right community when your associations make you want to be a better person. They are open and excited about your successes. They cheer you on and they inspire...

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Add a little SASS in your Life!

A quick search on Google turned up the definition of sassy is someone or something that is lively, bold and a little feisty.

I like it! We should all have a little SASS in our lives to keep things interesting! Here are some ways that some of my favourite coaching clients add a little SASS to their worlds…

Self Confidence

Coaching provides the perfect playground for clients to build their self-confidence. Often clients don’t necessarily seek coaching to build confidence, but it happens as a by-product. During coaching, they will stretch their goals and perhaps their mindset through new ways of thinking and take bold action by having courageous conversations or making big moves.  One thing that I reinforce with clients is the importance of building self-confidence by investing in yourself.  When you communicate to yourself that you’re worth it, your confidence soars!  You do that when you keep the promises you make to yourself. If you say...

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