Quality Matters

  1.  Quality people
  2.  Quality content
  3.  Quality consumption

Quality People

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Who do you have in your immediate circle? Are they inspiring? Do they push you to be a better person? Are the conversations you ‘re having about dreams and goals and the future, or are they about other people? The five people closest to us have a tremendous impact on the way we think and ultimately our success.  If you’re not surrounding yourself with positive, growth-oriented people, then find a community where you can get that inspiration. If you haven’t joined us yet, feel free to hop on our Friday zoom calls here where #sigmapromotespositivity https://sigmapromotions.com/sigmapromotespositivity/

You know you’re in the right community when your associations make you want to be a better person. They are open and excited about your successes. They cheer you on and they inspire you with their habits and discipline. If you’re not sure, look at your five closest friends.  When you leave them are you inspired or tired? When you look at their lifestyle, their homes, cars, careers and health, do they represent the person you want to become? If not, you need to conduct an association audit and get around people who are going to transfer the right energy to you. 

Quality Content

The content you consume matters a great deal to your success.  If you’re looping the news while you work your sales and interactions with others will be negatively impacted.  If you’re following a crisis on twitter you’re not going to show up as your best self and chances are you’ll bring anxious energy to your relationships. What we take in matters. Garbage in, garbage out!

Instead, replace the news, the crisis and the gossip with inspirational music, podcasts or books. I once read that if you cut your cable for a year and traded in the time for personal development you could double your income. It works! If you want to really accelerate your life, ditch Netflix and take a course, read and grow and you’ll become a valued expert and be paid accordingly.

If you’re looking for inspirational content, check out YouTube’s plethora of positive influencers including Brendon Burchard, Evan Carmichael, Mel Robbin and Ed Mylett.

Quality Consumption

Consumption for me includes content as mentioned above but it’s also about consuming in moderation and consuming quality food.  The highest performers guard their minds and their bodies. While I’m by no means an expert or get this right all the time, I can tell you that when I started prioritizing consuming the healthiest of foods and preparing meals my energy levels shifted. I also bought more time by having meals planned, and brought more energy to my work because of the quality fuel in my system. Again, as the old saying goes “Garbage in, Garbage out”.

Quality friends, content and food consumption can radically change your life if you’re willing to make the shift. If you’re ready for change, start small. Perhaps you don’t cut your cable today but instead replace your hour after work scrolling for reading a personal development book. Reflect on how you feel after a week and report back.

As always, if you have any other ideas on adding to a more quality-focused life, please share below!


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