SigmaU Blog

Change your mindset, change your life!

Most people don’t realize the incredible power they have to change their lives in an instant.  The most powerful tool each one of us has is the immense power of our minds.

Unfortunately, most people react to the inner dialogue which is typically negative rather than consciously redirecting their thoughts in a positive way. The good news is anyone can change their lives dramatically by changing how they think.

Now I’m not going to tell you WHAT to think, there’s a big difference there. I’m going to share HOW other successful people think and you can decide what resonates with you.

Here are some of the lessons that I’ve learned the most successful people do!


Clearly Defined Goals

The most successful people in the world have clearly defined goals. They know what they want out of life, where they’re headed, and the steps required to get there! When we’re striving towards something bigger than ourselves that makes us stretch and grow,...

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