SigmaU Blog


Accountability starts with you! That can be harsh to hear, but it’s true, and a lesson that I’ve learned over the past couple of years.

No one is coming to hold your hand, or mine, to make sure we get stuff done.  The person who cares the most is standing in the mirror.

We may have friends that support us, accountability partners we check in with and coaches who champion us along; at the end of the day, its up to us to get the work done.

I’ve found that friends and even accountability partners can let us off the hook too easily.  We make a big claim about our fitness, and we falter. Often, we’re met with niceties such as “don’t be so hard on yourself”, “you needed a day off”. While this feels good in the moment it’s not what we need and it won’t challenge or change us.

We make the change every time we decide to make a promise, set a goal, and then do it no matter what. Coincidently, every time we keep that...

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Mind Games

Things aren’t always as they appear. We know that our minds can play tricks on us. Just think about some of the shapes you’ve seen in the dark! Things that appear to be wild creatures turn out to be shrubs or bushes.  Things that seemed scary turn out to be nothing at all, but if we’re not careful, they can derail our success!

Recently, I vacationed in Costa Rica.  While I was there, I was determined to stick to my fitness routine.  The very first day, things started great. I did my run and then went over to the bench and started picking up my weights.  I was shocked to discover I couldn’t pick up a 20lb weight, something I had done merely 24 hours prior.

I was frustrated, bummed, and lost my motivation. Could it be because I’m closer to the equator? The magnetic pull?  The 32-degree weather? What the heck was going on?  I went down in weights and used a much lower dumbbell; 8lbs in fact. I couldn’t believe it. ...

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Purpose is a topic that comes up a lot when I’m coaching with clients.  Often people will start coaching because a lack of purpose has stirred something inside them and they are seeking more.

During the pandemic most of us went through significant changes professionally and personally.  Pandemic aside, we’re often met with change that can leave us feeling purposeless.  Perhaps the kids have moved out and moved on and there’s a void.  Perhaps you were once entrenched in the day-to-day operations of your business, but you’ve hired a president and feel like your purpose has been diminished.  We all need to feel a sense of purpose to lead a fulfilled and charged life!

The highest achievers in the world have clarity and high levels of purpose. So how do these high performers have purpose while others don’t? 

They intentionally seek and develop purpose. Here’s how…

  1. They evaluate how they’re living!



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