Why working with a coach will accelerate your success!

If you’ve never worked with a coach, I promise you, the return is tenfold! Coaching brings a new sense of self awareness.  A coach is an objective partner that will teach you the necessary skills to achieve self-mastery, and provide a gentle nudge of encouragement on your journey to success.  Here are some of the ways coaching has helped me recently…

  1.  Stay on track with positive habits

Sometimes, we don’t realize that we’ve slipped up or fallen back in to old patterns until someone holds up a mirror for us. This happened recently while I was working with my coach. The topic we were covering that day was presence.  The deeper we got in to the conversation, the more I realized that I had completely slipped back in to an old pattern that wasn’t serving me! I was checking email first thing in the morning in bed, during lunch and after hours. I was back to having an umbilical cord relationship with my phone and I had stopped separating work from home hours. Pre-pandemic, I was very intentional about checking in during working hours and disconnecting, to renew, after hours. It’s something I’m very vocal about and enforce with my team so that they have balance. It wasn’t until my coach asked probing questions that I realized I had completely slipped. A great coach will bring awareness without judgement. They will help you to build momentum on your path to success.

  1.  New Perspective

Recently while working with my coach, we got talking about the importance of “thinking time”. This is something that I started doing, where I remove myself completely from the business physically and think strategically about next moves.  When he asked me what time of day I do this thinking time, I told him afternoons.  He questioned that because he knows I’m a morning person.  I told him that I’m most efficient in the morning so I get to work on tasks and then finish the day thinking. As we talked through this, I realized how backwards my thinking was. Why was I using my most creative, alert and strategic time on tasks I could do with my eyes closed and reserving sacred time for a point in the day that I’m typically running out of steam? He helped me shift my perspective and prioritize prime time for important visionary work.

  1.  Push you to dream bigger

We often place a higher value on other people’s abilities and talents than our own.  This can be reflected in the size of our goals and how big we dare to dream. We think others can surely achieve things we can’t.   We pour belief into others; cheering them on and encouraging them to tackle their BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal), while silently minimizing what we think is possible for ourselves. A great coach will be that cheerleader! They will pour in to you, show you strengths you take for granted and highlight the best in you, so you have the confidence to pursue your dreams.  The best coaches respond to your dreams with “I love it! Are you thinking big enough?” and then challenge you to go even further on your path to success!

Curious about coaching and how it might help you? Why not set up a strategy call with me, email [email protected]


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