SigmaU Blog

False Obligations

I had never even heard the term false obligations until I started studying high performance habits and Brendon Burchard’s work.  In fact, the thought never dawned on me that I had been wrapped up in false obligations and the stress that accompanied it!

Let me back up, what is a false obligation? Well, it’s an “obligation” that we’ve created in our minds that requires our immediate time and attention. It’s something we feel guilty about not doing or we sense a loss of freedom of choice in the matter.

Some examples of false obligations include…

  • Picking up the phone when it’s ringing
  • Saying “Yes” to that coffee or dinner when you really need time alone to recharge
  • Responding to a text immediately without sleeping on a response
  • Behaving a certain way because of family expectations
  • Rushing to visit three households on Christmas day so no one feels left out
  • To share private information with people because they are good...
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