SigmaU Blog

SHIFT Towards Success!

A little while ago we had “coffee-gate” go down in our home. To paint a picture, the alarm went off at 4:00 a.m. My incredibly loving husband got up a few minutes before me and had made me a cup of coffee.  Just as he was coming to give that cup of joy to me, in the dark, he missed the side table and coffee went everywhere! All over the beige carpet, the white sheets, the light grey fabric bed frame. It was literally a hot mess up in here! :D

In that moment, I had two distinct choices: I could either let it ruin my day or I could reframe the situation and stick to my regular routine to set my day up for success. I know that when we’re not intentional and are reactive in situations like these, we lose control.  When we intentionally SHIFT, we reclaim our power!  So how the heck do you make that SHIFT?


S – Self Talk

The way we talk to ourselves is so incredibly important. Studies show that most of the time our thoughts are biased to the...

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4 Ways to be Intentional as a Leader today!

Do you do your best work when you fly by the seat of your pants? Not me! I’m a planner, in fact I don’t wing ANYTHING!

In order to show up as a strong leader and role model, I have to be intentional about it. It doesn’t come naturally but when I make it a priority it positively impacts the team.

Here are 4 ways you can be more intentional as a leader today!

  1.  Map it Out!

Start your day off thinking about and writing down who you want to show up as that day. Perhaps it’s thinking about your phone calls, interactions, coaching with employees or meetings. How would your best self show up? Decide early in the day while you’re fresh how you can be most effective as a leader. You can also check out our super popular Intentional Journals here:

  1.  Set Intentions before Interactions

Oprah famously starts each meeting asking, “What are the intentions of this meeting?” This is a great way to gain clarity...

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