SHIFT Towards Success!

A little while ago we had “coffee-gate” go down in our home. To paint a picture, the alarm went off at 4:00 a.m. My incredibly loving husband got up a few minutes before me and had made me a cup of coffee.  Just as he was coming to give that cup of joy to me, in the dark, he missed the side table and coffee went everywhere! All over the beige carpet, the white sheets, the light grey fabric bed frame. It was literally a hot mess up in here! :D

In that moment, I had two distinct choices: I could either let it ruin my day or I could reframe the situation and stick to my regular routine to set my day up for success. I know that when we’re not intentional and are reactive in situations like these, we lose control.  When we intentionally SHIFT, we reclaim our power!  So how the heck do you make that SHIFT?


S – Self Talk

The way we talk to ourselves is so incredibly important. Studies show that most of the time our thoughts are biased to the negative. That means that our brain is constantly scanning for danger in order to survive rather than feeding our minds with positive thinking. It’s imperative that we take control and talk to ourselves instead of listening to ourselves in that first reaction! I decided in that moment that “today is going to be a good day”.

H – Habits

Your positive habits will rescue you in negative situations and take over almost like an autopilot. Meaning that if you have a structured morning routine of a gratitude journal, reviewing goals, prayer, and mediation then regardless of what life throws at you, you will stick to your habits. On the morning of “coffee-gate” I pulled back the sheets that were stained, pulled out my gratitude journal and started practicing the habit I knew would help me get in the right headspace to take back control on my day.


When we need to SHIFT to the positive or gain forward momentum then intentional behaviours drive our next steps. So, if I decided on that morning to be reactive and go with the negative situation then I wouldn’t be acting in an intentional way. By being intentional about how I wanted to show up that day regardless of the circumstances I took back power. You can do this too! Decide how you want to show up that day. What character traits do you want to display? How will you show up as a role model and what action steps will you intentionally take in order to make that so?

F- Forward Thinking

The most successful people I’ve had the opportunity to coach with are future thinkers! They don’t spend a ton of time dwelling on the past. Instead, they focus on the future. What can they control? How can they adapt to make positive changes and take back control of their situations?  Journaling is a great way to help to focus on the future and what’s possible!

T – Transition to the Positive

Changing our physiology (moving our body), is a great way to instantly reconnect to the present. Smiling releases endorphins and reduces stress. It also tricks our body into believing that we’re enjoying something! Try it! I know it sounds hilarious, but I will do this when I’m on the treadmill and in pain. I start smiling in the mirror. 😊

Dancing and listening to uplifting music can do the trick to turn things around as well. Working on something meaningful can also help you refocus. Lastly, expressing heartful appreciation can do wonders. By reaching out and honouring a friend or family member you love and expressing your gratitude for their involvement in your life can boost thoughts of happiness also.

Lastly, filling your mind with positive and inspirational podcasts can help SHIFT perspective!

We cannot always control what happens to us, but the highest performers and leaders have habits that enable them to make the SHIFT! Interested in learning more? Set up a strategic session with me: As always, if you have any transition hacks that help you SHIFT towards success or to a positive mindset we would love to hear from you!


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