How to Live a Zesty Life

I have not always had energy. I have not always wanted to jump out of bed and start my day. I have dreaded a work week and lived for the weekends.

There was a time, when I was so depressed that I didn’t want to leave the house and rarely did so. I remember sitting on the couch and it was the day of a friend’s wedding and I wept because I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, and I didn’t want them to see how out of shape I was! In fact, I hid from social media for several years for fear of judgement about my appearance!

So when I recently had someone comment that I “always” have so much energy, I felt like I needed to share a bit of my journey with you and share that I wasn’t a miracle. It was small, incremental habits and changes that have brought me to a place where I feel like I’m living a ZESTY life!

Z – Zealous Belief

One habit I needed to adopt was a zealous belief that what I did mattered and that my view on life and leadership would help someone. It serves no one when you hold back and don’t share your ideals, strategies and tools. Someone is out there desperately needing the knowledge that you have access to!

E – Energy and Enthusiasm

You create energy and enthusiasm by keeping the promises you make to yourself around fitness and exercise and build momentum that creates a sense of vibrancy! You decide each and every day if you will keep your momentum going by working out, eating healthy foods and living intentionally. These are all habits that I learned.

S – Strategic Plan

I was in the habit of setting goals but never mapping out an actual plan to accomplish them. Goals are fantastic but one way to accelerate your success is to map out the action steps you can take to bring you closer to your dreams. What one positive action step will you take today to bring your closer to your goal?

T – Traction & Momentum

Your positive habits and slight shifts in attitude and priorities will create extraordinary momentum in your life! When you exercise, you naturally want to eat healthier so you don’t offset your efforts. When you see that your healthy habits positively impact the shape of your body, you want to keep pressing for more. Success breeds success! What area of your life could you build more momentum on today?

Y – Your Impact and Legacy

The last powerful habit I’ll share here is long-term thinking and planning. When we live in the moment, we can make poor judgement calls. That chocolate bar won’t put on 5lbs today but over the years will result in you being overweight. When we live thinking about the lifelong impact and the legacy that we’ll leave, we make higher level decisions that we know are better for us in the long run. Visit your lifetime goals regularly to check in. Are you showing up as the person you would want people to describe you as on your obituary? I challenge you today to think of the words that you want to represent your best self. Carry them with you to serve as a gut-check throughout the day to see if you’re living in alignment with what you want your legacy to be!

So yes! Life is ZESTY now, but it hasn’t always been and, hey, if you find yourself in a season where life is far from zesty for you and you would like to build transformational habits, I encourage you to check out private coaching with me so we can start your journey to a ZESTY life together!

I'm also holding a free webinar on June 4, 2021 about the Six Secrets of the World's Highest Performing Achievers. Come and join to see how to become more focused, productive, influential, and successful in all aspects of your life.



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