Who do you take advice from?

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2023

Everyone we meet has value. They have worth and most likely expertise and strength in certain areas of life. They can offer wisdom and mentorship that's extremely valuable and can propel us forward faster than doing it alone.

On the other hand, there are an equal amount of people ready to offer terrible advice on topics they are not well-versed on or have little to no achievement in.

We've all received horrible advice at one point in time and can probably say that excellent advice has saved us too.

So where do we take advice from? What's the criteria?

Two things that are critically important as I'm seeking advice is...

  1. Has the person giving advice mastered or excelled in this area?
  2. Is it in line with my core values and is my intuition saying yes?

Would you take relationship advice from someone who hasn't been in a longterm, happy and loving relationship?

Would you take money advice from someone who is struggling financially?

Would you take career advice from someone who has golden handcuffs and has never chased their dreams?

Would you take fitness advice from someone who is obese and unhealthy?

Things needs to make sense. It always grinds my gears when I hear someone with a poverty mindset tell me "I work too hard". Your financially free and independent friends and relatives will never criticize a strong work ethic and putting in more than you're initially compensated for. Think about that. It makes me very curious indeed.

I take advice from people who are absolutely crushing it in an area in life I'm trying to improve. In addition, their advice must line up with my core values. My gut needs to ultimately feel secure in the decision. The more we work on personal development and self mastery we will learn to rely and trust our intuition so the advice seeking becomes less and less and trusting ourselves becomes a strong compass.

Where do you seek advice?


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