How to Sharpen Your Edge to Activate Your Full Potential

We all want more out of life, we want deeper relationships, we want more money, energy, opportunity, meaning!

To have more, we need to activate our potential by sharpening our edge! How do we go about doing that?


Reflecting on past successes, failures and missed opportunities are great ways to think through our patterns. What have we done that works well? Reflecting gives us a chance to strengthen our resolve too! When I work with coaching clients who are in a slump, the first thing I have them do is create a success list of things that they have overcome, successes they have accomplished and challenges they have risen above. This reflection is an important reminder that in the past we have been able to sharpen our edge when it’s necessary to rise. We can sharpen our edge in the future to rise even higher!


The next powerful step is planning for success. Sharpen your edge by stretching your goal a little bigger than the original target. This stretching will expand your thinking. It will make your mind dial in to even greater possibilities and connections. It will have you engaging in possibility thinking vs. limited thinking and you’ll start noticing bigger opportunities before you. As you plan, create concrete goals, objectives, and a strategic plan rather than having a lofty goal without a foundational structure.


Asking the right questions will literally transform your life. That’s why the science-backed curriculum of High-Performance Coaching™ scores so high with participants year after year. Participants engage in future-focused questions that direct their minds on a clear path to move forward. The right questions create awareness around limiting beliefs, they open the mind to what’s next, they clear the cobwebs of a digitally distracting world, and they provide next level clarity and purpose for intentional living! Are the questions you’re asking yourself today demoralizing, neutral or energizing?


Iron sharpens iron! Many high performers I work with find it increasingly difficult to find other people who are on a path to self-mastery. Creating positive associations with others who are working on bettering their lives is critically important to reaching the next level. The good news is, I’ll be hosting a Masterclass on High Performance Habits and the secrets of the most highly productive humans! If you want to level up and surround yourself with achievers, connect with this amazing community here: 

I’ll be going live on Wednesday, January 24th at 8:00 a.m. EST so you can start your day off with other high performers and sharpen your edge!


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