Reset Today with the Control, Alt, Delete Method!

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2023

I was listening to a motivational workout compilation when I heard the concept of Control, Alt, Delete. The speaker was talking about controlling yourself, altering your thinking and deleting negative associations. So simple and so powerful!

Building on this concept, I wanted to dive deeper.

What if Control, Alt, Delete could have a dramatic impact on your life and my life starting today?


Yes, controlling ourselves, our habits and discipline is an important part of a reset and of high-performance living. In addition to that, what if we looked at control through another lens. What can you control in your current circumstances? Often when I coach with clients or when I feel frustrated myself, it comes down to a feeling of being out of control. Like things are happening beyond my reach or influence. What I have learned and encourage you to do is reflect on what you can control. We are back in the driver’s seat when we realize we actually have a lot more agency over our lives than we think. It starts with controlling our mindset because that drives everything! Control what you listen to, look at, and allow to influence you. Select positive, inspiring and uplifting messages in times of challenge.


What things can you alter to change your current circumstances? Often, small incremental changes create huge shifts.  What can you alter or tweak that will accelerate your goal? If you’re lifting 25lbs, can you shift up to 30lbs with fewer reps? If you’re eating really healthy all week but let loose on the weekends, how would your body change if you stuck to healthy eating for four weeks straight and reevaluated how you looked and felt? What if you altered your perspective on a challenging situation and came from a place of curiosity instead of judgement? Think of one or two ways you can alter your current habits or activities that will have the greatest impact over time like compounding interest.


This is a big one! What or who needs to be deleted from your life? For me, I need to delete the apps and social media scrolling that tends to trigger me more than entertain me. What do you need to delete? Is it a false sense of obligation or guilt to spend time with someone who drains the energy from you? Is it eliminating a habit that you know is derailing your progress? Is it the negative inner voice that tells you that you’re doing your best and you only live once so lighten up on yourself? Delete what no longer serves you and seek out strong associations, influences and personal development material that will fill that void with possibility thinking.

Most people think that a reset must start in January which is just not true. Use the Control, Alt, Delete concept above to make a massive shift starting today!


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