Reignite the fire!

We’re near the end of the year and some of you are STOKED that you’ve reached or surpassed your goals – awesome! For others, you may feel frustrated that you’re off track and feeling in a bit of a funk.  Regardless of where you’re at, I want to encourage you today. You can reignite the fire with a few sparks!

First, revisit your north-star! What is your long-term goal?  Do you take on new things or develop daily habits that support your vision for the future. This also helps you eliminate the crap in your life that distracts you, like cat videos on social. 😉 Your north-star will keep petty things in perspective.  You’ll have to let some things go that aren’t worth your emotional, mental, or physical energy. Release and move on, if it’s out of alignment with future you!

Next, you want to revisit why your goal matters so much! What will you feel like once you’ve accomplished your goal? What do you wear? Where do you live? How do you feel? Spend a few moments each day visualizing your future.  For me, I visualize the strong, toned body I’m working towards when things get tough in the gym. When I’m on the bench and I’m pressing that next level of weights, I’m focusing on what my future arms and abs will look like. Visualization not recommended on the treadmill. Been there, done that, it ain’t pretty! LOL

Do more of the things that pump you up! Hang around people who inspire you and reduce time with people who are energy vampires. Get back on the training schedule and daily habits that you were doing when you felt most alive. It won’t take long to love the feeling again and get back on track.

Lastly, stop doing things that lower your self-esteem.  If you hate the fact that you’re still smoking and feel guilty every time you go out for a smoking break, eliminate it. If you feel guilty every time you indulge in the nachos, wine, or cheesecake, eliminate the behaviour. You’ll start convincing yourself that you’re worth the discipline and investment to lead an excellent life.

Oh, by the way, your calendar doesn’t lie! If you’re honest about the life you’re striving to achieve but have nothing scheduled on your calendar that reflects your commitment; you’re interested, not committed. You have a dream, not a goal.

What is one thing you can do today that will reignite the fire you had back in January?


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