Peace from Presence

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” If that’s the case, the solution must lie in the actions that we take to generate peace. Perhaps we’ve been looking outside for a sense of stability and peace when we had the key to it all along inside of us.

It’s difficult to be at peace and present in our chaotic world. There are limitless distractions that cause us worry and upset and a plethora of reasons to raise our armour and be on the defense. In that state, however, we miss the everyday moments of calm and peace that can be.

I’ve learned that peace comes from being 100% present.

When we’re fully present and in the moment thinking only of the here and now, we’re not living in the past.  We’re not replaying all the wrong things that we said or did. We’re not considering others’ judgements on how they responded to our behaviour. We also aren’t anticipating the future or what we cannot control. We are fully in the moment. Engaged, quiet and at peace.

Connect Deeply with Others

This fullness of presence allows us to connect more deeply with others. During the pandemic, the most dangerous effect has been isolation from others. Even when we are together, we’re typically discussing the pandemic, the aftermath, or the restrictions. It pulls us away from being full engaged and present in the moment. What each of us craves on a visceral level is a stronger sense of connection. So how do you go about that? Ask open-ended and thoughtful questions. Get the conversation away from the pandemic, worries and fears and shifted towards something positive.

“What are you most excited about right now?”
“What are you most grateful for?”

“How have you protected your peace during this time?”

“If you could wave a magic wand and found out that you would be successful at anything you tried, what would you strive for?”


Shift the conversation to possibility thinking!


Feel in control of this moment

Sometimes the only thing we can control is our breath! This has been one of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned while working with my coach Paul. When life is spinning, and the world has seemed to have lost its mind, you cannot control others’ behaviours, but you can control your reaction and your breath.

Take a moment now and breathe. Like really breathe! Chances are if you’re sitting reading this online, you’re at a desk hunched over. Sit back, up straight, and take three deep belly breaths. Send oxygen to that beautiful brain of yours. Close your eyes and be still.

Another powerful way to regain a sense of control in the moment is to become hyperaware of your surroundings. I love to ask Alexa to play a song like Moroccan meditation music, something I’m unfamiliar with. I do this because when we listen to the same music over and over, we anticipate or know what’s coming next. When we listen to something like meditative or classical music, close our eyes and really listen to all the elements it’s actually breathtaking! You’ll find yourself smiling as you’re immersed deeply in the music and your worries of the past or future fade.

Recently I learned that writing down sensations also has a calming affect. Simply close your eyes, take a couple of deep belly breaths, and listen to all the noises. The dryer, the fridge humming, birds singing, dog snoring. This will ground you for a moment’s peace.

I’m fairly new to meditation and practicing presence on this level so as always, if you have any ideas or best practices that you do, please share below!


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