From Fearful to Fired up and Empowered!

I just finished an amazing one-on-one with a firecracker on my team! She was asking me if it was reasonable to transition to full-time sales within the next twelve months.

To back things up, it’s important to paint a picture of where this team member started. This individual has been in an administrative support role for the past six years.  She is by definition an introvert and does not like being the centre of attention. She’s the type of person who appreciates being celebrated privately vs. in front of people.  She’s also been super-committed to our personal development program and is unrecognizable to the girl who walked through our doors in 2015! In fact, if you had asked her back then if she would ever do sales she would have laughed followed by a “Hell NO never!”

About six months ago, she rolled up her sleeves and started dabbling in sales. It wasn’t out of a new desire but out of her commitment to help the team because sales were down due to COVID.  This was extremely uncomfortable for her! She persevered anyhow and has fallen in love with serving clients in this capacity. Talk about a 180!

I encouraged her to walk me through the process she went through and here’s what we determined.

First, she had this fear that made her sweat just thinking about it.

Second, she had all of these stories surrounding sales that kept her confidence low.

Third, she persevered. She took action and started seeing results.

Fourth, she is on the other side of that fear and is fired up about sales so much that she wants to transition into sales as a full-time job!

Now she’s also going to take this model below and map out what this look likes as it pertains to her health. How can you use this model for your own fear? What’s holding you back? Look back to something you’ve conquered in the past and use it as reinforcement that you’ve got this!

What am amazing meeting! We were both teary-eyed at the close of the call.  I told her how proud she should be of the work she’s done on herself and the distance that she’s come.  It has been such a blessing and honour to see her transform from fearful to fired up and empowered!


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