You are equipped for greatness!

Many of us see others and put them on pedestals. We assume that they know more than us and have an advantage when it comes to realizing their goals and dreams.

The reality is that you and I are equally as equipped or we can develop the skills required to make the same things happen.

Clarity is Key.

You need to know what you want in finite detail so that you can start acting the part of the person it would take to achieve that goal. Clarity will also keep you on course. You’ll have awareness around who and what will hinder or help you inch closer to your goals.

Faith is Imperative.

Having faith that it’s possible is incredibly important. If you don’t believe it for yourself, no one else will believe it either. Have faith that you will accomplish your goal. One important note, as the good book says “faith without works is dead.” We have to take diligent action in pursuit of our goals. We cannot pray for a miracle; we have to be an active participant! Spiritual faith will also give you courage and strength to persevere when the obstacles keep coming at you.

Follow a Plan.

With clarity, you can develop a plan. You may have issues and challenges that temporarily derail you but you will always come back to a plan. You’ll refine it, learn from the challenges and keep moving forward. You may not know every step of the way, but the important part is to keep moving forward.

Ask yourself questions that will serve you such as… 

  • What is my next best move?
  • What can I influence in this situation?
  • What can I control?
  • Who can I seek out for advice?
  • Who has conquered this challenge in the past? What advice can they give?

You are equipped for greatness when you have a clear vision for your goal, faith that everything is figureoutable, as Marie Forleo says, and the courage to keep following your plan!

What are some of the things you do to stay focused when you get side-tracked from your goal?


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