4 Ways to Take Deliberate Action

The days, months and years can slip by in a haze if we’re not intentional about how we approach each day. This can happen during times of extreme stress or change, but it can also creep up on us where we realize that a decade has passed and we’ve been going through the motions.

Here are a few ways we can take deliberate action and be even more intentional and live with purpose.

Set Daily Intentions

Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Planner is an awesome tool to use to set your day up with intention. You start by journaling answers to questions such as how you want to show up that day. What emotions do you want to have that day? Who needs you on your A-Game? Setting intentions about how you want to show up is a fantastic way to increase the way you live with clear intentions. If you have a tough meeting, set intentions about how you want to show up. How would your best self handle conflict?

Have a Kaizen Mindset

Kaizen is an approach to creating continuous improvement based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can reap significant improvements. With that in mind, if you’re facing a huge goal and feel overwhelmed, using a Kaizen approach is key to accelerating your success. Promise yourself at least 15 minutes of focused action towards your goal. Do this daily and you’ll be taking significant deliberate action on a consistent basis which will drive you closer to your dreams!

Take Time to Reflect

Wrap up each day looking at what went well, what tripped you up or set you back and what you can improve on tomorrow. Taking the time to reflect, score how the day went and whether you showed up on your A-game emulating the qualities you intentionally set out is an awareness piece that all high performers are attune to.

Plan for Success

We’re not going to crush it every day but taking the time to evaluate how we’re doing daily eliminates the possibility of time slipping through our fingertips where we’re not gaining any traction. If today wasn’t the best, how can you improve tomorrow? If today was an amazing, productive, purpose-driven day, how can you build on those positive habits and actions to gain even more momentum?

Deliberate action daily will give you an even greater sense of agency over your life and ultimately shape your destiny!



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