What it means to be intentional

Uncategorized Apr 11, 2023

Being intentional is not a small feat in a crazy busy world, but it is the key to living a fully engaged life!

I'm not sure about you but I often find myself going through the motions. When things are hectic or I'm under a lot of stress, I tend to push through tasks and even conversations with little thought.

The challenge of course is that this impacts our level of happiness and engagement. Let me explain.

When we're intentional about how we want to show up to a meeting, let's say, we know the behaviours we want to display. We know the energy we want to bring and we know the outcome we're aiming for. At the end of the meeting, we can reflect on how we measured up to our expectations.  Without intent, the meeting "just happens".

The same is true on our personal relationships and the interactions we have. We can half listen while scrolling on our phones while our spouse is describing their day, or we can listen deeply. When we show up to these interactions it takes effort but I wonder if it takes less than trying to balance half listening and half scrolling. I'm speaking to myself here too!

When we're intentional about how we want to show up and bring our best, I believe people feel it. Chances are in a super distracted world you stand out in a unique way because most people are half-aware in any given moment.

One way you can instantly add intent to your next interaction is to think of one word that would describe an excellent version of you.

Perhaps it is a meeting, setting an intention of being "confident" will drive how you dress, your body language, how you assert yourself and how you give and receive ideas.

Setting intentions will also increase your level of awareness and presence. When you show up as you intend to, you give yourself a mental high five and boost your confidence in turn!

You also feel and sense more deeply, driving higher levels of fulfillment. When we slow down, feel the moment and act with intent, we truly live in the moment amidst the hustle and bustle of life!

How do you approach the day with intentionality? 


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