Beat Defeat

Sometimes life runs so smoothly; relationships are flourishing, business is booming and you’re unstoppable! Then there are times when you feel like you’re constantly being kicked down by life’s circumstances. If that’s you, I want to share with you three ways to beat defeat!

  1. Remind yourself of everything that you've done before
  2. Seek out support from others who won't be soft on you, but will remind you of your greatness
  3. Take action! Grant Cardone uses an amazing expression. He says that action gives fear and doubt the middle finger and I couldn't agree more.

The first thing that you need to do is remember your greatness. Not in an egotistical or an inflated self-confidence sense but actually going back and reminding yourself of your value. 

  • What are some of the amazing things that you have done in your life?
  • How have you helped others succeed?
  • How is your product or service that much better from the competition?
  • What are the statistics that tell you that you’re on the right path?
  • Where have you conquered setbacks in the future?
  • What were the lessons learned during that time?
  • Did it make you stronger? How so?

Secondly, get yourself around people who are going to support your dreams. People who are going to be kind, but they're going to help pick you up so that you can keep going and they hold you to a high standard. Misery loves company! Do not go to people who are going to tell you that “It's fine” that you have failed, go to people who are going to work alongside you to think through what you could have done differently, and then map out a plan. Which leads me to action!

You must take action and you've got to move forward. I'll be honest with you. I have gone through a lot of setbacks. 2021 has been filled with disappointments. It's been filled with loss. It's been filled with frustration and discouragement. However, at every single turn I have taken action. Taken action to feel like I have a sense of control in my life. Taken action towards that goal so that I can continue to progress rather than regress. Taken action so I feel a sense of agency over my life!

So, let me ask you today, what has been a setback that you're facing that you know you can conquer with the right plan in place? You can totally do this! You can rise to the challenge. Write out all the things that you have done in the past that have proven that you are capable, strong and deserving.

Next, get with people who will hold your feet to the fire and make sure that you take steps to get your goal or situation back on track.  Then take massive action by giving the middle finger to fear and doubt!

What one move will you make today?


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