Your Values

Your values will determine what you chase, what you release and who you invest your time with.

Life is complicated to say the least and our core values ground us. What are our core values? They are the fundamental beliefs we have about life, about ourselves and about the things that matter most.  They whisper to us when we do something that feels “off” or nudges us when someone doesn’t feel aligned with us.

Each one of us has values that drive our daily decisions, major life choices and relationships. When we’re living in congruence with those values, life feels a little easier and focused.  When we get off course, life can feel clunky or, worse, we have a deep sense of anxiety, shame, or regret.

For many, they’re unsure what their core values are. They know what their family unit values were, what their company values are but what about their own personal values?

How do we determine our core values? We could start by asking questions like…

  •  “What matters most to me in life right now?”
  •  “What do I admire the most in others?”
  •  “What behaviours upset me or turn me off?”
  •  “What words describe me when I’m showing up as an excellent role model?”

This can be a great basis point for determining your core values. There are several professional assessments available that you can take, or you can get introspective and ponder the above.

I know that my top core values are Justice, Ownership and Growth. When I see someone being treated unfairly, I can go from zero to a hundred. If I see someone bullied a stirring in my heart takes over and I want to jump in and make things right. I know I’m triggered when someone doesn’t take responsibility for their life’s circumstances or a mistake on the job. Ownership is incredibly important to me. Lastly, and probably as no surprise, growth is something that drives many of my personal and professional decisions and relationships. I need to be around growth-minded individuals focused on a brighter future.

As leaders of small businesses, often our personal core values are woven into the fabric of our company’s DNA. Interestingly our core values at Sigma Promotions Inc. are Courage, Ownership and Growth while we show justice through our philanthropic work for the disadvantaged. 

Once we reflect on our core values, it’s worthwhile scoring how we’re showing up in each area.  On a scale of 1-10, am I emulating these values? If not, what is one thing I can do today that will be in line with those values?

Am I in a relationship that seems to be off course? Perhaps values are no longer aligned. It doesn’t make that person wrong and you right, it just means there will be friction if there’s an obvious clash.

Am I feeling restless at work? Perhaps my core values aren’t in line with the company’s? I may not be able to influence the company values or the leadership team but how can I demonstrate those values in a more significant way in my day-to-day work?

When your core values and your work and relationships are aligned, life is pretty sweet! Oh and hey, if you’re feeling like you don’t love the core values that have guided your life and relationships to this point, guess what? You’re the captain of your ship! You can change those values at anytime. So what do you value the most? Define it, own it and live it!


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