Transformative Questions

Just how powerful is a question? Well, it can be life changing as a matter of fact! I’ve had the privilege of working with clients as a High Performance Coach™ and I can tell you that questions change peoples’ lives!

Here’s how it happens!

  • Changes our Perspective!

When we change our lens, we change our lives! A coach that I worked with in the past used to ask me a very thought-provoking question when I was upset with someone or a situation. He would always ask “Nikki, what else could it be?” This helped provide such perspective because, of course, I begrudgingly came up with half a dozen possible scenarios which proved his point!  When we approach challenges or setback with a powerful question like this one, we also change the lens in which we see the world. Perhaps at first, I think “that person is rude.” What happens when I replace it with “that person must be pretty stressed out right now.” It instantly changes my energy around not only that person, but the situation.

  • Makes us Pause

We’re so busy most of the time that we rarely stop to pause and really think through life’s deep questions, meaning and alternative perspectives. We rush through work, we rush through dinner, conversations and even weekend interactions. Great thought-provoking questions make us slow down and pause. Sometimes we miss out on this awesome opportunity for introspection when we numb out the noise of our chaotic world with social media and busyness. This is a wasted opportunity for growth.

  • We Generate Creative Solutions

When we’ve been asked questions that no one typically asks of us, we tap into our creative brain. So often we’re stuck in a box with our thinking and open-ended questions make us think bigger and with greater possibility. Some of my favourite questions are listed below!

  • What would you do if you have ten times the amount of energy you have today?
  • What would you do if you had 100% more confidence?
  • What would you do if you had a million dollars in the bank and never had to worry about a job again, how would you fill your days?
  • What could we achieve as a team at work if we had to operate with 50% less (or more) capacity and resources?

Great questions promote creative thinking and it’s exciting!!

  • Makes us go Deeper!

I’ve seen lives change in an instant when I ask a question that shifts a client’s perspective. Many deeply held, long-term beliefs that someone else created for this incredible human I’m working with are released after years of holding them back. When I see a belief that isn’t serving one of my coaching clients and it’s holding them back from a breakthrough, I’ll ask “What will it take to release this belief?” Another way to ask “What would happen if you released this existing belief, how would your life change?” Another great option is “What would happen if you forgave yourself for this incident and moved on?” SO incredibly powerful!

  • Deepens our Relationships!

I’m getting to a point in my life where I really dislike surface level conversations. I have a small group of friends and our conversations are typically deep when we do get together. We rarely talk about the good old days and instead talk about questions and the future from a curious and open mindset! When we invest the time to really get to know our friends and family on this level, transformation happens.

Ready to work with me and discover some of these life-changing moments for yourself? Check out what Certified High Performance Coaching is all about here and if you have any thought-provoking questions please feel free to share! We would love to hear from you.


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