Strategy Strengthens Teams

planning strategy Apr 13, 2021

Strategy by definition is a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.

Most might assume that all companies have strategies that align with their goals, but you might be surprised! I’ll be honest, as we were growing our company very quickly, we barely had time to come up for breath let alone develop a strategy. I’d see the numbers growing and excitedly announce that next year “we’re going to double our sales” - meeting adjourned! I laugh when I think about it now because I wasn’t motivating anyone. In fact, they all probably thought I was a few screws loose or at a minimum were frustrated and confused about where to start. Our leadership team has since made a habit of using a strategic plan and updating it once a quarter and the benefits have been incredible. Here’s what we’ve seen…

It Starts with Transparency

The more willing you are as a leader to share the vision, goals, and direction of the organization the more aligned your team will be. If they can clearly see where the company is going, they will trust you more and be more willing to learn new skills and grow to help the company achieve these goals. We’re very transparent with our team and share the good, the bad and the ugly. During COVID specifically we share a quarterly plan which includes how we will manage if things get worse, if they stay status quo and if they improve.

Clarity Converts Tasks to Meaningful Work

When your team is crystal clear about their role in the strategic plan, they take full ownership of the part they play. They can see all of the moving parts, understand who is responsible for what area and have a sense of pride that their portion matters. This also provides clarity when team members are pulled in two different directions. They can stop and evaluate, “Does this activity draw me closer to, or pull me away from helping reach the company’s strategic plan?” They carry themselves in a different way when they own a strategic rock. There’s a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment!

Excellence Emerges

When your team is working on strategic rocks or special projects with the singular focus of working on a collective strategic plan and they own those plans openly, excellence emerges! You’ll notice a new level of accountability. Peers will check in with others or call each other out if they are being derailed on a side project that has nothing to do with the overall game plan – pure magic! When we started posting all of our strategic rocks publicly, team members were so excited to share updates. They would also initiate when they knew a rock was winding down. It was music to my ears the first time I heard a team member say “Nikki, I need a new rock for Q1 because X will be completed by year end. I’d love to be a part of what you’re discussing now.”

Hope for the Future

Teams have always wanted to work with progressive leadership teams and companies with vision. Now, more than ever it’s imperative. Your team will have a renewed excitement for their work. We make the mistake of assuming that “It’s been a difficult year, my people don’t want to be pushed”, and nothing could be farther from the truth. Your team looks to you to be the role model. Show that you’re progressing, the company is progressing, and you expect excellence as you navigate the future together!

The coming months may throw us more curveballs. Our strategic plans may shift, and we may have to prioritize. I invite you to bring your team along and into the conversation. Create the plan together, increase your transparency. Chances are you have stars among you who want to shine even when times get dark!


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