How a Shift in Mindset Produces Long Lasting Results!

I bought into the lie that I was someone who would always have to watch their weight. In fact, I’ve been up and down since eleven years of age and with dramatic swings. I’ve been unhealthy consuming less than 300 calories a day in my teenage years living off lettuce and diet coke and I’ve been over a hundred pounds heavier than my tiniest weight.

I’ve invested hundreds, no thousands of dollars in weight loss programs from Herbal Magic to high-end weight loss doctors and systems and here’s what I found. I would gain quick success and see huge results that NEVER lasted! I would be so disciplined with my eating that I would literally stand around and watch everyone eat my birthday cake while I munched on celery sticks. Not a sustainable or very enjoyable way to live!

It was only around 40 when I had a breakthrough and that was to do the inner work required for long-lasting and sustainable results.

Many motivational speakers including Ed Mylett talk about the thermostat of our hardwiring. In essence, we have long held beliefs about ourselves, some good and some bad. The programming that I had in my subconscious was that I was always someone who would revert back to a certain size that my body was comfortable at. When I got too thin, I would adjust to the thermostat and come back to my “normal” weight. When I overate and didn’t exercise and put on weight, something would click and I would be very uncomfortable with my body, an alarm bell would go off that something needed to change. I would go back to dieting to regain some sense of control and get back to my “normal” weight.

What I’ve learned over the past three years is that we have to reprogram our thinking so that our actions match our new beliefs. When you think about it, it’s quite extraordinary that as humans we can do this! I started with affirmations about my body and healthy lifestyle. I started behaving like an athlete, eating well and working out because of this new mindset and not as any form of punishment that I used to endure.

For the first time in my life, I ditched the scales. I stopped caring about the numbers and instead worked through the habits that served me and evaluated those that didn’t. I worked through long held beliefs about my worth and how it was tied to my appearance. I fought the inner voice that crept in to remind me that I’d failed in the past and would probably fail again. I told that voice to SHUT UP and replaced it with affirming words. When that voice tries to tell me that my lifestyle isn’t sustainable, I silence it by showing up every day to put in the work that’s required.

I heard an incredible quote while I was running on the treadmill this morning. The gentleman on the podcast said, “Life is a marathon of consistency.” It’s so true! I would add that a healthy, vibrant life led at a new level of excellence is the result of consistent positive habits executed over the long haul.

Do I always want to work out? Not always, but I do the work. I’m very mindful 90% of the time about the food that I chose to fuel my body with which means that I can always enjoy some wine and birthday cake entirely guild-free. My shift in mindset and shift in habits has made this possible.

Was it an overnight transformation? Absolutely not! For this first time, it took patience and a new determination that this wasn’t a quick fix, this was a lifetime of excellence I was pursuing.

I’m sharing this with you because many of you may feel like you have short bursts and sprints of success and then wonder why you self-sabotage? I did for so many years. I couldn’t quite understand why I would self-sabotage after months and months of sacrifice and discipline to end up exactly where I was before.

What I can tell you is that lasting change is one hundred percent possible and you’re worth it! To learn more about transformational shifts in mindsets and habits to live a life with heightened levels of success and excellence that is actually sustainable, reach out to schedule a strategy call with me!


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