Congruency and Intentions

Having congruency with your intentions creates a strong sense of self confidence, peace, and a greater sense of purpose. We know that high performers are deliberate with their actions. They set intentions each day and likely before transitioning to each new activity.

High performers map out what their top priorities for the day are, what their focus needs to be on and how they would show up as their best selves.

When I coach with clients, one of the very first things I have them do is to select 3 words that would describe their best self. These words may not necessarily reflect who they are today, but rather who they are becoming as they work towards growing and transforming into a high achiever. Some clients can come up with the 3 works quickly, they are sure about who they are and what they would want others to describe them as. For others, this is an introspective process that takes time.

What’s most important is making sure that future actions align with those 3 words. I can speak from personal experience that if I say my words are disciplined, joyful and kind and then I blow a day with distractions, eat like crap and bring low energy and zero curiosity to my interactions, I would consider myself  out of congruence.

Congruence simply means that we’re living out who we say we are. When we’re incongruent that’s when we experience stress.

My coach Paul says, “Aligned action alleviates anxiety”.

How true! You must be seeking to evolve into that ideal self and be in tune with how to show up in that way.

What Holds People Back

So what holds most people back? I believe that we’re so inundated with digital media and busyness that it’s rare for people to pause and really reflect. I’ve mentioned before that the quality of your life is directly correlated with the tough questions you’re willing to answer. Many people avoid reflection and keep busy with mundane tasks to numb self-awareness. We numb ourselves with work, drama or addictions and it holds us back from knowing ourselves and expressing the best of who we could be. Others don’t know how to start, so let’s dive in.

Take Action

Take a moment and think about three words that describe how you’re living now. Are you happy with those words? Are you proud and would you feel honoured to see them on your tombstone? If yes, then terrific! How can you add a layer of vibrancy and excitement to sharpen your edge even more? If you’re not content with those words, then it’s all about grace and moving forward. From this moment on, what three words describe the best of who you are or could be? Write them down.

Next, write down why they matter. Does showing up as your best self impact your work, family, and relationships? How? Write down the reasons to give you a little juice behind your intentions. Next, program those words in your phone so that they go off as a reminder. I have my three words pop up at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and it serves as a terrific gut check to make sure I’m living my truth.

Why it Matters

Here’s why it matters so darn much! Few of us enter each day and interaction with crystal clear intentions about who we are and how we want to be perceived. The highest achievers in the world are congruent and I believe this also accounts for why they are statistically the happiest and most confident. Think about it. If you say you want to be excellent, vivacious, and focused and you consistently bring that to each day and relationship, you are living in line with who you say you are! This builds confidence and momentum, and you show up in a way that is unique to others.

So, what are your 3 words? We would love for you to share them below!


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