Clarity Provides Renewed Energy and a Richness to Life!

Clarity is incredibly powerful. Why?


When we have complete clarity about what it is we want in life, what we stand for and what our big North Star is, it gives us a sense of peace. It provides assurance that our efforts are counting towards something. Often, when we don't have clarity, we can bumble through each day, get a multitude of tasks completed, are very busy and may even feel some sense of productivity and accomplishment.  However, we can be left wondering if we’re making a significant difference at all.


When we have complete clarity, we know where we're headed, and what we want to achieve.  We have vision.  More importantly, that big North Star gets us excited and fired up and helps us build momentum. We’re more optimistic because we're working towards something that really matters to us.


Clarity also provides us with total focus so that we can determine what our distractions are. Meaning, what are the activities, people, places, or things that get in the way of us reaching that goal. Similarly, it helps us identify where we need to shift our focus.  Which books, podcasts, or courses do we need to invest our time in to become the person who is prepared to reach that goal?


We start evaluating our absolute musts that will cause a shift in our behaviour. We eliminate what’s not supporting our goals and dreams. The bad habits that derail our focus. We determine which habits really support our goals and we double-down our efforts. What do we need to say “no” to in order to say “yes” to that bigger, better version of a fulfilled life?


Total clarity means having a plan of action.  There were times in my life where I had a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) but I didn’t have the milestones and action steps, essentially a plan in place.  Don’t get me wrong, having a goal and writing it down puts you in the top 5% of the world already but if you want your goal to really come alive, you need actionable tasks, metrics, and time in your calendar to make it happen.


Perhaps you have a certain income level that gets your really jacked up. You may look at the goal every morning and even read your goal out loud with conviction.  My guess, however, is that there’s a nagging thought in the back of your mind questioning how it will happen.  Therefore, specific measurables are critical for your success.  Your confidence and enthusiasm towards achieving that goal will grow exponentially if you have a path. With the income example, if you added three different ideas for revenue streams, passive interest from investments, a side hustle plan you would start to see that your dream is absolutely within reach once you hit your targets.


Ready to reignite your excitement for your future?  Write down your goals, brainstorm your dreams and act today for increased optimism, energy, focus and fulfillment!



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